
Apple Printer IIA Datasheet

Apple Printer IIA
Source: Apple Magazine Vol. 1 No. 2 – Apple Printer IIA

On June 1st, 1978, Apple introduced the Apple Printer IIA (Centronics 779) as part of their Apple Printer Series. This state-of-the-art device promised to revolutionize the printing experience for Apple II computer users.

The Printer IIA boasted a lightning-fast printing speed of 60 characters per second and a resolution of up to 132 characters per line. It also supported a single printing color and came with an Interface Card for seamless integration with the Apple II computer series.

However, despite its impressive specifications, the Printer IIA was only on the market for a year. On June 1st, 1979, Apple discontinued the device and replaced it with the Apple Silentype.

Today, the Apple Printer IIA is a piece of technology history, 46 years old, and a reminder of the early days of Apple’s computer peripherals. While it may have had a short lifespan, the Printer IIA will always hold a special place in the hearts of those who were lucky enough to experience its high-speed, high-resolution printing capabilities.

Apple Printer IIA, Modem IIB and Apple DiskWare
Source: Apple Magazine Vol. 1 No. 2 – Apple Printer IIA, Modem IIB and Apple DiskWare

Apple Printer IIA Details

IntroducedJune 1, 1978 – 46 years ago
DiscontinuedJune 1, 1979 – 45 years ago
Time on the Market12 months (1 year)
Order NumberA2M0011
Original Price$1,545

System Requirements

Printer Specs

TypeImpact dot matrix
Pages Per Minute60 characters per second
DPIFrom 80 to 132 characters per line


ConnectionInterface Card

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