AppleDesign Powered Speakers AppleDesign Powered Speakers

AppleDesign Powered Speakers Datasheet

In 1993, Apple Computer made a remarkable entrance into the audio world with the AppleDesign Powered Speakers, a product line that would leave a lasting impact on audio enthusiasts and Apple fans alike. These innovative speakers, part of the AppleDesign Speakers series, were designed to provide an exceptional audio experience for users, and they did just that from 1993 to 1995.

The AppleDesign Powered Speakers were ahead of their time, delivering a level of convenience and versatility that set them apart from the competition. Featuring an AC adapter, users could effortlessly connect the speakers to any audio output source, making them compatible with a wide range of devices. Whether you wanted to connect your computer or an external CD player, these speakers had you covered.

The inclusion of two separate inputs for the computer and an external CD player was a particularly brilliant move by Apple. It allowed users to seamlessly switch between different audio sources without the need for constant cable swapping. This user-friendly design was one of the reasons why these speakers became an instant hit among consumers.

Apple always pays close attention to user experience, and the AppleDesign Powered Speakers were no exception. The front of one speaker housed a headphone jack and volume control, granting users the freedom to enjoy their favorite tunes privately without disturbing others. The optional subwoofer connection port on some models was an added bonus for those seeking to enhance their audio setup with richer bass.

This level of customization was unprecedented at the time, and it reflected Apple’s commitment to providing products that catered to individual preferences. The ability to tailor the listening experience to one’s liking made these speakers stand out from the crowd and endeared them to users worldwide.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. On January 1, 1995, Apple made the difficult decision to discontinue the AppleDesign Powered Speakers. The news saddened many loyal customers who had come to rely on these speakers for their audio needs.

Despite their discontinuation, the AppleDesign Powered Speakers continue to be remembered fondly by those who experienced their exceptional sound quality and convenience. They hold a special place in the hearts of both audio enthusiasts and devoted Apple fans who have cherished these speakers as a symbol of Apple’s innovation and dedication to pushing the boundaries of technology.

As the AppleDesign Powered Speakers turn 31 years old, it’s remarkable to see how far Apple has come in the audio industry. While these speakers may no longer be in production, they have left an indelible mark on the company’s audio legacy.

Apple’s commitment to audio innovation has not waned over the years. They have continued to release more advanced audio products, ensuring that users can enjoy top-notch sound quality across their devices. From the AirPods to the HomePod, Apple has consistently proven its prowess in audio engineering.

With Apple’s reputation for creating cutting-edge technology, it’s exciting to imagine what they may have in store for the future of audio. As the world embraces new audio technologies and trends, it’s safe to say that Apple will be at the forefront, shaping the way we experience sound for years to come.

The AppleDesign Powered Speakers were not only aesthetically pleasing but also boasted impressive technical specifications. Designed for the Macintosh computer line, these full-range, tuned-port, and bass-reflex speakers offered a frequency response range of 150 Hz to 20 kHz, ensuring a broad spectrum of sound for an immersive listening experience.

With a sound response level of 90 dB at 0.5 m at 90 Hz, these speakers delivered powerful and clear audio, elevating the quality of multimedia content and music playback. The DC power supply provided a reliable 15V at up to 40W, ensuring that these speakers were capable of handling demanding audio requirements.

In 1994, Apple updated the AppleDesign Powered Speakers with a smaller, more rounded design, giving birth to the AppleDesign Powered Speakers II. These iterations showcased Apple’s dedication to continuous improvement and refinement, providing users with an even sleeker and more visually appealing audio solution. As an added touch, a special black version was produced to match the PowerCD, further expanding the options for users seeking a cohesive and unified setup.

The AppleDesign Powered Speakers may belong to the bygone era of the early 1990s, but their impact on the audio industry and Apple’s legacy cannot be overstated. These speakers revolutionized the way users connected and enjoyed audio, showcasing Apple’s knack for intuitive design and innovation.

While we bid farewell to the AppleDesign Powered Speakers, it’s evident that Apple’s journey in the audio industry is far from over. As we celebrate 31 years since the release of these remarkable speakers, we eagerly await the next groundbreaking audio innovations from Apple, confident that they will continue to push the boundaries and redefine what’s possible in the realm of sound.

AppleDesign Powered Speakers Details

IntroducedMarch 22, 1993
DiscontinuedJanuary 1, 1995
Model NumberM6082
Original PriceUnknown
Weight4.8 Ibs.
2.177 KG
Dimensions9.25″ H x 4.5″ W x 4.75″ D
23.49 cm H x 11.43 cm W x 12 cm D

Speakers Specs

Frequency Response150 Hz to 20 kHz
Sound Pressure Level90 dB at 0.5 m at 90 Hz


Audio In2 – 3.5-mm stereo input jacks
Audio Out1 – 3.5-mm stereo output jack
1 – subwoofer port


Power40 W
Power Source15 VDC

Further Reading and References

Disclaimer: The data presented in this article is under continuous development and has been manually collected from various sources based on their availability. The author of this article may revise this dataset as additional research is conducted and reviewed. Please note that the information is provided “as is” and “as available” without express or implied warranties. The author cannot be held responsible for any omissions, inaccuracies, or errors in the published information. Any warranties relating to this information are hereby disclaimed.

Last updated: July 1, 2023