Apple Lisa Keyboard Apple Lisa Keyboard

Lisa Keyboard Datasheet

In 1983, Apple introduced a new addition to their keyboard series: the Lisa Keyboard. Designed specifically for the Apple Lisa computer, this pointing device was manufactured and sold by Apple from 1983 to 1986.

The Lisa Keyboard was a revolutionary product in the world of computers, as it marked the first time that a keyboard was not integrated into the CPU case, unlike previous Apple models such as the Apple II and Apple III series. This new design was intended to complement the business-oriented features of the Apple Lisa computer, which was also introduced on the same day.

One of the most notable features of the Lisa Keyboard was the integrated numeric keypad, a feature that was not commonly found in other keyboards at the time. The keyboard also followed Apple’s traditional design aesthetic, with a beige case that matched the color of the CPU and a unique TRS connector for connecting to the computer.

However, despite its innovative design and features, the Lisa Keyboard was discontinued on January 16, 1985, just two years after its initial release. Today, the Lisa Keyboard is 41 years old since its introduction, and it remains a significant piece of Apple’s history.

Apple Lisa with ProFile
Source: macstories.net – Apple Lisa with ProFile

Lisa Keyboard Details

IntroducedJanuary 16, 1983
DiscontinuedJanuary 1, 1985
Model NumberA6MB101

System Requirements


Keys in Total76



Further Reading and References

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Last updated: March 7, 2023