Apple Macintosh Keyboard Apple Macintosh Keyboard

Macintosh Keyboard Datasheet

The Macintosh Keyboard was a revolutionary pointing device that was designed, manufactured, and sold by Apple from 1984 to 1986 as part of the Apple Keyboard series. It was first introduced on January 24, 1984, alongside the original Macintosh computer, and it quickly became a popular choice among users.

One of the most notable features of the Macintosh Keyboard was its lack of arrow keys to control the cursor. Instead, users had to rely on the cursor keys on the keyboard to navigate the cursor on the screen. Additionally, the keyboard did not have an integrated numeric keypad, which was a common feature on other keyboards at the time.

Despite these limitations, the Macintosh Keyboard was well-received by users for its ergonomic design and tactile feedback. The keyboard used a telephone cord-style RJ-10 connector to connect to the computer, which was also used with the Amstrad PCW series of computers. This design allowed for a more stable connection and reduced the risk of disconnections while typing.

However, the Macintosh Keyboard was discontinued on January 16, 1986, and it has not been produced since. Today, the Macintosh Keyboard is 40 years old, and it remains a beloved device among Macintosh enthusiasts and collectors.

Apple Macintosh 128K
Source: the-peak.ca – Apple Macintosh 128K

Macintosh Keyboard Details

IntroducedJanuary 24, 1984
DiscontinuedJanuary 16, 1986
Model NumberM0110
Original PriceUnknown

System Requirements

  • Macintosh with RJ-10 connector

Keyboard Specs

Keys in Total57



Further Reading and References

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Last updated: March 7, 2023