
Apple Graphics Tablet Datasheet

Apple Graphics Tablet
Source: computinghistory.org.uk – Apple Graphics Tablet

In 1979, Apple introduced a revolutionary new product to the world: the Apple Graphics Tablet. This innovative device was designed, manufactured, and sold by Apple, and it was aimed at artists and designers looking for a new way to create digital art.

The Apple Graphics Tablet was first released on June 1, 1979, and it was priced at $645. The tablet offered a new way to use the popular Apple II computer as an artist tool, allowing users to create a wide range of digital art, including canvas, illustrations, diagram blocks, architectural renderings, logic diagrams, schematics, mechanical shapes, and fine art.

The Apple Graphics Tablet featured a large flat surface with a printed grid, a wired stylus, and graphics tablet software on a floppy disk. It was capable of creating graphics with a resolution of up to 280 x 192 pixels, making it a powerful tool for artists and designers.

However, the first generation of the Graphics Tablet was soon discontinued by the FCC due to radio frequency interference problems. In response, Apple quickly released a second version of the tablet, which featured a lack of frequency interference problems and a new DB-9 connection port.

Despite being 45 years old, the Apple Graphics Tablet remains a significant piece of technology in the history of digital art and design. It paved the way for the development of modern graphics tablets and opened up new possibilities for artists and designers to create digital art.

Apple Graphics Tablet
Source: Noah Morris at Apple Museum Poland – Apple Graphics Tablet

Apple Graphics Tablet Details

IntroducedJune 1, 1979 (1st version) – 45 years ago
January 16, 1983 (2nd version) – 41 years ago
Order NumberA2M0029
Internal Price$649
Dimensions15.5” H x 15.5” W x 1” D
39.5 cm H x 39.5 cm W x 2.5 cm D

System Requirements

  • Apple II computer

Graphics Tablet Specs

Input methodStylus
Data rangeUp to 120 coordinate pairs per second
Digitizing area11″ x 11″
28 cm x 28 cm
ResolutionUp to 280 x 192 pixels
Tablet ModesRESET
Stylus ModesPEN COLOR


ConnectionUnknown (1st version)
DB-9 (2nd version)

Apple Graphics Tablet on Video

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Further Reading and References

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