Macintosh Quadra 700 and Portrait Display Macintosh Quadra 700 and Portrait Display

Macintosh Portrait Display Datasheet

Apple has always been synonymous with innovation, and in the late 1980s, the company introduced a game-changing display that left a lasting impact on its product lineup. The Macintosh Portrait Display, part of the iconic Apple Display series, revolutionized the way users interacted with their Macintosh computers.

Even today, over three decades since its release, the Macintosh Portrait Display remains a treasured piece of Apple history, symbolizing the company’s commitment to pushing boundaries and delivering quality products.

Unveiled on March 7, 1989, the Macintosh Portrait Display immediately turned heads with its striking design and impressive specifications. Boasting a 15-inch monochrome screen with a resolution of up to 640 x 870 pixels, this display was tailor-made for Macintosh IIcx users. With a density of 77 dots per inch (dpi), the Macintosh Portrait Display delivered sharp, clear images that were a treat for professionals and enthusiasts alike.

What truly set the Macintosh Portrait Display apart was its versatility. Featuring a DA-15 video connection, users could easily connect the display to their Macintosh IIcx, expanding their workspace and enhancing their productivity. This seamless integration was a testament to Apple’s commitment to delivering a holistic user experience.

While the Macintosh Portrait Display offered impressive capabilities, it also came with a premium price tag. Priced at $1,049 upon its launch, the display was positioned as a high-end option for Apple enthusiasts. However, the combination of its remarkable specifications and sleek design made it an attractive choice for professionals in various fields.

Although the Macintosh Portrait Display was discontinued on December 1, 1992, its impact remains palpable even in the present day. This display holds a special place in the hearts of Apple fans who remember it as a symbol of Apple’s pioneering spirit and unwavering dedication to quality.

The Macintosh Portrait Display not only marked Apple’s foray into full-page monitors for the Macintosh but also represented a significant milestone in the industry as a whole. It was a product that showcased Apple’s ability to push boundaries and set new standards, leading the way for the development of future displays that would shape the computing landscape.

As we celebrate the 35 birthday of the Macintosh Portrait Display, it is evident that this display played a pivotal role in Apple’s history. Its introduction marked a critical step for Apple as it ventured into uncharted territories, ultimately propelling the company toward its position as a technology industry leader.

Furthermore, the Macintosh Portrait Display highlighted Apple’s commitment to innovation, quality, and user experience. By constantly pushing the boundaries of what was possible, Apple solidified its reputation as a company that delivered cutting-edge technology and sought to empower its users with state-of-the-art products.

The Macintosh Portrait Display holds an esteemed place in Apple’s rich history, representing a transformative period for the company’s display lineup. With its impressive specifications, sleek design, and enduring legacy, this display remains an icon of Apple’s innovative spirit and commitment to excellence.

As we reflect on the 35 years since the Macintosh Portrait Display’s release, it is clear that this display was not merely a product but a symbol of Apple’s relentless pursuit of groundbreaking technology. Its impact continues to resonate, reminding us of the remarkable journey that Apple has embarked upon and the indelible mark it has left on the world of technology.

Apple Monochrome monitors
Source: applemuzeumpolska.pl – Apple Monochrome monitors (High-Resolution Monitor, Two-Page Display, Portrait Display, and 12-inch Display)

Macintosh Portrait Display Details

IntroducedMarch 7, 1989
DiscontinuedDecember 1, 1992
Model NumberM0404 (Revision A)
M1030 (Revision B)
Order NumberUnknown
Original Price$1,049
Weight35 Ibs.
15.875 KG
Dimensions13.1” H x 11.5” W x 14.9” D
33.27 cm H x 29.21 cm W x 37.84 cm D

System Requirements

  • Macintosh II computer

Display Specs

TypeCRT (Trinitron)
Viewable Area14.2”
ColorsGrayscale (up to 256 gray shades)
Resolutions640 x 870 pixels
Viewing AngleUnknown
Contrast RatioUnknown
Response TimeUnknown
Pixel PitchUnknown
Pixel Density77 dpi




Maximum Continuous Power75 W

Further Reading and References

Disclaimer: The data presented in this article is under continuous development and has been manually collected from various sources based on their availability. The author of this article may revise this dataset as additional research is conducted and reviewed. Please note that the information is provided “as is” and “as available” without express or implied warranties. The author cannot be held responsible for any omissions, inaccuracies, or errors in the published information. Any warranties relating to this information are hereby disclaimed.

Last updated: May 20, 2023